Second Audio Program Adapter

The baseband-audio input comes from the pole of switch Sl in the stereo decoder, and is coupled to C9 IC1 (a CA3089) via a 78.6 kHz bandpass filter that consists of capacitors Cl and C2, and inductor Ll. IC1 is a combination i-f amplifier and quadrature detector normally used for FM radio systems operating within an i-f of 10.7 MHz. The device works equally well at 78.6 kHz. Capacitors C6 and C7, and inductor L2 tune the detector section to 78.6 kHz, while C5 provides the necessary 90-degree phase shift for proper quadrature detector operation. The output voltage at pin 13 of IC 1 is proportional to the level of the incoming signal. When the voltage at the wiper of potentiometer R3 reaches a predetermined threshold level, Ql conducts, grounding pin 5 of IC1, enabling lCl's mute function.
Detected audio output from pin 6 of IC1 goes to IC2a, which is configured as a 12-kHz, - 12 dB per octave, low-pass filter. The output of IC2a appears across potentiometer R10, which provides a means of adjusting the drive level into IC3b, the 2:1 compander.

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Second Audio Program Adapter - Circuitos de Electronica
